Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spinach Chappathi

          Chapatti is a flat unleavened bread which is popular throughout India. It can be made more nutritious by adding raw vegetables. It will provide more nutrients & fiber to them.

Whole wheat flour - 2 cups
Spinach - 1 cup, chopped very finely
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Water - as required for kneading
Some extra flour for dusting

                In a mixing bowl take the flour, spinach and salt. Roughly blend them. Add water little by little into the flour and make the dough. Divide the dough into small balls, roll each into a flat circle and cook in low flame on a tava or a flat fring pan. You can sprinkle little ghee or oil on top.

 Note : Add 1/2 Tbsp of baking powder for every 2 cups of flour. You will be getting very soft chapattis


Spinach on FoodistaSpinach

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