Wednesday, April 13, 2011


                 Lassi is the most popular traditional Punjabi yogurt based drink. Its famous throughout India & Pakistan. Sometimes fruits like mango, grapes etc are also used to add flavor. There is both salted and sugared versions.

Plain Yogurt - 2 cups
Milk - 1 cup
Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
Vanilla Essence - 1/2 tsp
Rose Essence - 2 drops
Saffron - 1/4 tsp
Sugar - as required
Ice cubes - 4-5
Whipped cream - 1/4 cup
        Heat 2 tsp of milk in a microwave (35 minutes) and add the saffron strands. Keep aside. In a blender mix rest of the ingredients. Pour into tall glasses and garnish with the saffron milk. Serve chilled.

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